Janathon day 3 and the amazing waterproof shoes!!

OK, so maybe going out for a bike ride after 24 hours of non-stop rain wasn’t one of my better ideas, but what’s a girl to do when there’s a Janathon to complete? I knew there would be some puddles but did they really have to be THAT deep, a canoe would have been more use. Still at least I had my mega waterproof shoes to keep my feet dry……
You’ve got it, they didn’t work, but to be fair it was the deepness of the puddles rather than the shoes that caused the problems. They do usually work, but then I’m not usually knee deep in water while trying to cycle (slight exaggeration, but if the rain continues who knows). Today, however, I discovered my shoes had other capabilities – like keeping the water in – yep once my feet were swimming – they stayed that way. It was like cycling in water filled wellies,and as for my wooly socks!!! Still that’s another six miles in the Janathon bag – I’m sure the shoes will dry out eventually.
Day 3 done
Work and Janathon tomorrow
Bring it on


Running in the Rain

So I had planned a bike ride today, but then I slept in!! Typical!!! I’ve been trying to have a sleep in for the last fortnight with little success, I finally manage it when I don’t want to. On the plus side the changed plans meant going for another run, a run in the rain. Ive been stuck in the gym so long I’d forgotten just how enjoyable running in the rain was. Another mile logged and the knees holding up, fingers crossed it lasts.

A mile run

Slightly faster than yesterday

Bring it on!!!2b2ce2ce4c6575722aa5e77441b4a733


This Girl Can……

So, having missed out on Janathon last year due to recovering from knee surgery, I’m back for another go. I’d like to say the knee is fully recovered and I’m back to long runs – but I’m not. After a year of heeding the surgeons advice and avoiding running altogether, I’ve had enough. The gym is not for me,varying reasons, not least because when it comes down to it, I’m an outdoor kind of girl. So 2016 is the year I get my runners back on, granted my long distance days are over but I’d rather run a mile every other day than not at all. So that’s my aim – to run, walk or cycle everyday in January – bring it on.

One mile run – no stopping – it’s a start.  


Saturday nights alright for …………………………

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At last, a sleep in, not that I got much sleep -howling winds and attic bedrooms don’t match. Needless to say the long distance bike ride (which isn’t very far at the moment) didn’t happen. Still, there’s always the gym – I am starting to get used to it, I just wish it was outside, I like fresh air and rain and mud, you don’t get any of those things in a gym. You do, however, have fabulous showers that I could stay in all day and a spa pool to die for, it’s not all bad!!

So after, the cross trainer, bike, weights and a short swim, I’m now sat revising for next weeks mock gcse science exam, I lead such an exciting life, I guess Saturday nights are alright for partying when you’re not working full-time, studying for a degree, science gcse and trying to be a mum – it will all be worth it, eventually!!

Lots of exercise done

Treating myself to a martini

images (2)Bring it on!!!

Wahoo it’s Friday!

So due to the ridiculous howling winds this morning I decided to avoid the cycle to and from work and opted to swim sooner rather than later – I’m glad I did. It seems some people’s New Years resolutions don’t last long at all – I pretty much had the pool to myself. It was bliss, no worrying about whether to take the Olympic paced fast or snail paced slow lane – I just swam, roughly 40 lengths, I lost count again!!
So now I’m sat with my feet up, I shouldn’t be, I’ve loads to do, but after 9 days non stop exercise and my first full week back at work, sod it – I’m having a rest!
Gym and science revision tomorrow
Bring it on (gym – not the science!


The Mud Monster….or me on a bike!!!

So for Janathon day six it was back to cycling to work, something I haven’t done since the beginning of November -it was good to be back. Alas in my enthusiasm to get back on the bike there were a couple of things I forgot

  1. It’s very dark at 7:45, especially round the local country park where there are no lights – I was a little bit scared!!
  2. The evil killer gulls (I’m not a fan) refuse to budge from the path even when you’re hurtling towards them full pelt (well fast for me!). I was even more scared and screamed my way through!!
  3. It was as muddy as chuff – which is no problem whatsoever but I’d just forgotten how muddy – I looked like a swamp creature upon arrival at work!!!

Still I survived there and back and that’s another six miles logged and the knees holding up!!

Pre-work swim in the morning

At least I won’t need another wash when I get to work

Bring it on!!!

Officially a Fattie

images2S2GLABSSo Janathon day five, and if going back to work  wasn’t enough of a shock to the system, I  foolishly decided to get on the scales, not once, but twice, what was I thinking?!?!?  I’m not usually one for getting weighed I usually just rely on how my clothes feel, but having been out of action for nearly 8 weeks I decided I needed to know just how bad things were – I wish I’d never bothered.  Compared to my usual weight I a now officially a fat chuffer, still on the plus side it is probably the kick up the backside I need to keep me at the gym and eating healthily. Lets hope the weight goes off as quickly as it came on.

Gym session done

Cycling to work tomorrow

                                                           Bring it on!!!

Grunts Groans and Moans

So Janathon Day 3 dawned (is it really only day 3?) and with the boys out watching the mighty reds (Barnsley -in case you’re not sure) I took full advantage of some time on my own and hit the gym for a session ( I think that’s what you say!?!) I’m starting to get the hang of this gym thing now but there is one thing I still can’t get my head round – why do mean feel the urge to make the most ridiculous noises when lifting waits -its ridiculous -what does it prove? There’s the counting groan -onearrghh, twoarrghhh, and the I’ve done it groan – yesarghhhh and the ‘I’maknobheadargggh  groan, I made the last one up but you get the idea. In the end I sought refuge in the pool – I’d heard enough for one day!!

Cross training, weight and swimming done.

Off to re-fuel at the pub

Bring it on!!



Janathon Day Two -Blistered

Well I could blame the blisters on the miles and miles I cycled this afternoon (well, not miles and miles but it was miles!!) but alas they are down to my much-loved new Dr Martens. Still, blisters or no blisters, I managed to squeeze in 30 minutes on the exercise bike in-between my not-so-big Asda Big Shop (which I did at Sainsburys) and meeting up with my fellow GCSE Science students to revise for our forthcoming mock exam (eek!)I was planning a full gym session but with the dodgy knee twinging a bit I was good (I really have turned over a new leaf) and stuck to my rehab advice (physio rehab not Amy Winehouse type rehab) and just did enough to keep the knee moving – I will get my fitness back, it’s just going to have to take a little longer than I was expecting.
11.9 miles cycled
Gym tomorrow (hopefully)
Bring it on!!

New Shoes!!

New Shoes!!

Alcoholic Assignments………………

images (2)So after three halves of lager and a glass of wine (its been a tough day, week , month, half-term) I’ve finally got an opening sentence for my first uni assignment. Strange really, when I’ve spent a sober 2 weeks staring at an empty piece of paper, with not a clue where to start – now I’m on a roll. Well I would be except I’m struggling to keep my eyes open! Still, at least I’ve started and I’m no longer filled with dread that I’m going to spend half-term not knowing what to write.

Yes, uni-life is now in full swing, it’s not easy. Juggling work, home, college and uni takes some doing, and my only means of survival seems to be running my life like a military operation. Everything we do is now on a list, calendar or random post-it note, so far it seems to be working, who knows with a little more organisation I might even get round to blogging a little more often – I can’t believe I haven’t blogged since August – maybe its time for a quick catch-up!!

Half-term is finally here, and what a half-term it’s been, frantic from day one to the end -but I still love my job! If the degree is going well, the science GCSE isn’t – just my luck to get a science teacher who knows less about science than I do. First there was the negative/positive confusion, then the anti-bodies that she called anti-biodies, and this week she had us looking for calium on the periodic table -only to realise it was a typo – we should have been looking for CALCIUM!! Still, this week was her last, hopefully her replacement will be better!!

The cycling continues and we haven’t been lost for weeks, always a good sign. I wish I could say I’m back running but I’m not and not really sure if I ever will be -surgery looms and I’m hoping for a miracle!!

Quickest catch-up ever

but there’s uni work to be done

Bring it on!!

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